
Hillside took their first mission trip to India in the fall of 2018 to visit a Hope Center in Ajmer, India. In 2016, Hope Partners International and the Church of North India partnered to begin renovating a 7-acre compound and making it into a Hope Center, with a focus of rescuing children and transforming their lives. The school, called Hope Academy, currently educates more than 225 students and endeavors to equip them for lives of effective service. What was once the hostel is now a home for children called Mason’s Place. The Ajmer Hope Center and church is led by a special couple, Pastor Joseph and his wife, Sundry. It is home today to over 140 precious girls.
Hillside has partnered with the Hope Center to raise funds for capital projects. Also for $79 a month you are able to sponsor one of the girls to cover all the educational expenses plus food, clothing, housing and medical care. As a sponsor you also have the great opportunity to be encouraged by monthly updates from your child and you will have the ability to send a message of encouragement and love. This is a great way for a family to connect and care for a child in desperate need.
For more information and to sponsor a girl, please contact Hope Partners
Winter 2026 Trip
Hillside is taking a trip to India on January 2nd, 2026. Registration for this event will be open soon.